The Western Balkans is a small area of Europe which has a healthy youth and with great potential. The need for professional and economic development in this part is extremely great. The opportunity to participate in a three or six month internship in a German company is ideal for these young people, as dealing with the first internship experience in a very high level company, enables the great expansion of practical knowledge in their fields of study. And then this knowledge can be shared with colleagues and friends in their country of origin.
The beneficiaries of this internship have gained a lot from this practice, not only at the professional level but also at the personal level, as they have tested themselves beyond the previous limits, have asked more of themselves, researched and managed to create a better version of themselves. And thus serving their family, society and country.
The reason why young people should apply for the Internship Program of German Businesses for the Countries of Western Balkan, is to first ask themselves something more, starting with writing the cover letter, as a reflection on yourself who you are and who you want to be. The dedication and work you have to do to achieve what you want. Testing yourself in the professional aspect being part of a German company in your field of study, gaining new knowledge, introducing a new society, where each individual has a story of his own from which you can benefit or try to help. Visiting German cities, getting acquainted with a very new culture different from what you are used to, learning that when the train leaves is not that he left but you were late, and the next day you become more responsible and prepare in time.
At the end of the internship you will come up with a new version of yourself let’s call it 2.0 which is more sophisticated than the previous one, always ready for changes and
improvements, always in search of the ideal, so that we can achieve the best form of ourselves.
Ledrita Jasiqi, Generation 2018